2013年12月16日 星期一

Android手機無法被電腦辨示,解決方法...到Google USB Driver下載驅動程式

google android驅動程式官方來源: Google USB Driver




1. On your PC, Hold the Windows key and press Pause and open Device Manager in the top left.

2. See if there is a Nexus 5 with a Yellow exclamation point next to it. Mine was under a category called “other”.

3. If there is, download this: http://developer.android.com/sdk/win-usb.html#top

4. Extract that to a folder on your desktop

5. Go back to the Device Manager.

6. Right click the yellow exclamation Nexus5, and click Update drivers.

7. Browse my computer manually.

8. Point it to the driver folder on your desktop.



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